October 29, 2016

Currently - Week 43

(image from Pexels)

cooking: lentil-based salads. once, with local pizza (that I did not cook) 
drinking: water, coffee, and tea. 
reading: cases and newspaper articles. a lot going on in the world right now. 
listening: to music. 
watching: the latest gilmore girls trailer, and younow streams 
bookmarking: an endless stream of things to read, make, and think about
looking: at my new calm desktop background 
doing: more. 
loving: learning so many new things. 
wondering: how soon I can catch up on work before I get back to...other work.
hoping: to have a wonderful week. 
wanting: a bit more sleep. 
needing: a bit more time to myself. 
wearing: pj's. 
smelling: nothing in particular.
noticing: how much darker it's getting already.
knowing: that everything will be ok.
laughing: at random turns of phrase, in print and on video. 
thinking: about my readings. 
daydreaming: about being in California again. 
wishing: for the best. 
feeling: alright. 
grateful: for the weekend, even if it had some downs. 

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