July 23, 2016

Currently - Week 29.5

Looking backwards and forwards during Week 29.5. (Image from Pexels.)

cooking: "quesadillas," pasta, and (spontaneously) rosewater muffins (good!). 
drinking: water and coffee. 
reading: law journal articles, books, The Wall Street Journal, and some of Harvard Business Review. Also, some helpful online articles found by chance.
listening: to the radio and the last of TØP, I think. I love the song "Truce."
watching: make-up videos on YouTube.
bookmarking: more recipes, articles, and ideas for later.
looking: forward to going home again in a few weeks, and jogging around the Esplanade again.
doing: more contemplation.
loving: the articles I've read this week, and how inspired I felt, even if only briefly.
wondering: what I'll do for the rest of the summer (outside of work).
hoping: to see more of my friends or to find more of a routine that I enjoy.
wanting: to find that routine.
needing: quiet and fresh, cool air.
wearing: my pj's.
smelling: the fresh (and not so fresh) air outside.
noticing: how much more aware I am this week.
knowing: everything will be at least good.
laughing: at something funny somewhere, no doubt.
thinking: a good deal, lately.
daydreaming: about the future.
wishing: for the things I want most to be great.
feeling: aware.
grateful: for a Saturday.

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